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Project Overview
Water and life-related systems
Molecular systems: Physical properties and chemical reactivity
Structure, stability and reactivity of minerals
Development of new high pressure cells:anvil and large volume devices
Development of new optically active materials
Design of a novel laser heating system for DACs
Implementation of diagnostic devices in high pressure industrial equipments

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Workshop lectures

Summer Under Pressure School

This High Pressure School was held previous to the Joint AIRAPT-25th & EHPRG-53rd Conference. The main aim of Summer Under Pressure School (SUPS) was to highlight the different topics of the conference. It provides to students and newcomers with a good level of background knowledge in the field of high pressure.

Lectures during school, held by international researchers experts in the field coming from different countries, were recorded and gathered here as videolectures with which you will discover new hot topics and will deepen in a series of different fields such as chemistry, physics, materials science, geophysics or biosciences.

Many of the lectures at SUPS are deeply covered in the textbook An Introduction to High Pressure Science and Technology

The whole set of presentations can be downloaded here, and the leaflet of the school with the program can be downloaded here. Note that clicking on the title of the talk you will be able to download the slides of that specific lecture.

Introduction and General Aspects
Valentín G. Baonza, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Theory & Simulations I
Miriam Marqués, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

Theory & Simulations II
Julia Contreras, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

High Pressure Techniques
Konstantin V. Kamenev, University of Edinburgh, UK

Pressure Scales
Stefan Klotz, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

Structural Determination
Julio Pellicer, Universidad de Valencia, Spain

Optical Spectroscopy
Fernando Rodríguez, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

Vibrational Spectroscopy
Alfonso San Miguel, Université de Lyon 1, France

Dynamical Techniques
Raymond Jeanloz, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Chemistry at High Pressure
Margherita Citroni, LENS, University degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

Geosciences & Mineralogy
Maurizio Mattesini, Instituto de Geociencias IGEO, Spain

Roland Winter, Technische Universitat Dortmund, Germany

Food Science & Technology
David Flores, Hiperbaric S.A., Burgos, Spain

Challenges & Hot Topics
John Tse, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Videolectures have been published under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA licence.


J. Manuel Recio, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain
David Abbasi Pérez, King's College London, UK
Hector E. Lorenzana, LLNL, Livermore, USA

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