José Manuel Recio Muñiz

Dr. José Manuel Recio Muñiz
MALTA-Consolider Team
Departamento de Química Física y Analítica
Universidad de Oviedo
Julián Clavería 8, 33006 Oviedo

This is my homepage with some information regarding my background

I was born in 1961 in Oviedo, Spain, studied chemistry and completed my PhD thesis in 1990 on quantum mechanical modeling of perfect and defective metal halide and metal oxide solids under the supervision of Professors L. Pueyo and V. Luaña at the University of Oviedo. During my post-doctoral period at the Michigan Technological University with Professors A. Barry Kunz and R. Pandey, I carried out theoretical studies on the progressive emergence of crystalline bonding and the size dependence of chemical properties of binary metal oxide and nitride clusters. In 1993 I received my habilitation at the University of Oviedo where I am leading a research line on high-pressure phenomena of materials. My main areas of interest are solid state chemistry, solid-solid phase transitions, and developing models to interpret properties and behavior of compounds using quantum chemical formalisms. I am also a football (soccer) coach of children in the regular regional league since 2002-03.

In 2009 I was granted with the habilitation for "Full Professor", however, a final public examination is still needed to achieve the position. Most of the work I have done to prepare the exam at the Universidad de Oviedo can be found in the following links: "Curriculum Vitae", "Proyecto Docente e Investigador", and "Trabajo de Investigación

Academic titles (in Spanish). Licenciado en Ciencias Químicas. Universidad de Oviedo. July 1985. Sobresaliente and Premio Extraordinario. Doctor en Ciencias Químicas. Universidad de Oviedo. June 1990. Apto “cum laude” and Premio Extraordinario. Postdoctoral FULBRIGHT fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering. MTU (Houghton, Michigan, USA). 09/91 to 08/92. Profesor Titular de Universidad. Departamento de Química Física y Analítica. Universidad de Oviedo. From 04/93 to date

Research interests: Electronic Structure of molecules, clusters, and solids; matter at high pressure; solid-solid phase transitions